Post by valerie davenport on Sept 27, 2007 16:06:35 GMT -5
George Harrison: The movie
Thursday September 27, 2007
Martin Scorsese is make a film charting the life of George Harrison, with Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr also set to be involved, according to reports.
The authorised documentary will be made with the assistance of the former Beatle's wife Olivia, with production due to commence later this year.
The acclaimed film-maker is hoping to capture the pursuit of spirituality that accompanied Harrison's life, during and after his career with the Fab Four.
"George Harrison's music and his search for spiritual meaning is a story that still resonates today and I'm looking forward to delving deeper," Scorsese explained.
Meanwhile, Olivia Harrison said: "It would have given George great joy to know that Martin Scorsese has agreed to tell his story."